What was it like for Children in the Second World War?




Sounds of World War Two

Speech by Adolph Hitler 1938

Radio  -  Declaration of War

Radio  -  Air Raid report

Churchill  -  On the beaches

Sound of a V1 Flying Bomb

Churchill as Prime Minister

Sound of a British Spitfire

Churchill  -  Finest Hour

Young Queen’s speech

Air Raid Siren announcing the start of an air aid

Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour

Air Raid Siren announcing the air raid is over – all clear

BBC Radio D-Day landings

BBC Radio – Fall of Berlin

BBC Announcement of VE day

VE day – Royal Family

Crowds Celebrating in Piccadily on VJ night

Devastation of Berlin

Songs of World War Two

Lily Marlene – German version

Bluebirds over the White Cliffs of Dover    + Words

Lily Marlene – British version Click here for more information on Lily Marlene

Nightingale in Berkley Square


When the lights go on again


Interviews with People who lived through the War

Woman called Madeline speaking about Air Raid Sirens and as a child at school in the War 

Woman called Jennie speaking about working in the WVS in London in the Second World War

Woman called Phyllis speaking about a Morrison shelter at home

Man called Bob speaking about being evacuated


Pathe News Film Footage of World War Two


 Click on the links below to view the films


Home Front film of Edmonton during the War

After an Air Raid - August 1940 Sebastopol Road Edmonton 

Air Raid and aftermath during the War

 Evacuees  -  Speech by Princess Elizabeth

Children in London

Churchill in Plymouth

Daylight Air Raid

Gas Masks for the Police

Home Air Raid Shelters

London carries on

Air Raids on Britain

Anytime in the Summer of 1940

The U-Boat menace

War - including evacuees children

Evacuating the Children

V1 Flying Bomb 1944 2nd evacuation


Longer films

War and Society Part 1 - Pathe film – The People’s War

War and Society Part 2 - Pathe film – Fighting Talk 



Images of the Second World War

 Click on the images below for more pictures




Local History in the Second World War
(Edmonton and Enfield, London)


The story of an Edmonton street during the Second World War

Willow Road / Enfield Town Air Raid during the Blitz – November 1940

Local History Internet sound bites

(Enfield, London)

Diane Joseph speaking about the Air Raid shelter at an Enfield primary school during the War @

Diane Joseph speaking again this time about the Willow Road (Enfield) Air Raid  @

External Internet Links

 These links will take you to external websites 

The Home front

BBC Website  WW2

Home Front 1939 - 1945 - Learning Curve  

Granddads Victory Garden

Home Sweet Home  -  World War Two

The  Blitz

Children’s work

The London Blitz 1940 Eyewitness to history

History Place - A child’s life in London

London Blitz website of HistoryPlace


    The story of Anne Frank 

World War 2 Timeline

Anne Frank museum

Battle of Britain links

BBC Teach – the secret to winning the Battle of Britain

The Battle of Britain

RAF Museum

IWM – Battle of Britain

Links to articles about Enfield in WW2

Was it a V1 or V2? - Palmers Green

Growing up in Palmers Green before the War - videos

Wartime in Palmers Green

For information email      info@rosedna.com

















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